Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Art of Shoveling Snow!

Who loves snow? Who loves shoveling it? Probably much fewer enjoy the shoveling aspect of the winter guest to our drive-ways and side-walks J Today I’m going to share some thoughts on an article that caught my attention to help save as many backs, and hard-aching bodies as possible, ready?

With the recent snowstorms that have—and still are—pummeling the U.S., many residents will be doing more snow shoveling than ever before. That news leaves some people thinking about all the pain that will come once they’re finally back indoors. However, shoveling snow can actually be good exercise if done safely and correctly.

"Shoveling snow for about fifteen minutes at a time counts as moderate physical activity, similar to a brisk walk," said Terry Carolan, PT, NCS, ATP, clinical manager at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation. "Adults are generally advised to do about 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise at least three to four days a week and shoveling can help provide that—especially during the winter months when both outdoor temperatures and personal motivation tend to drop."

However, snow shoveling, like most types of exercise, does present some physical risks.Kessler, a leader in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, offers these guidelines:

• Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

• Avoid caffeine or nicotine, as they can cause extra stress on the heart, especially among individuals with a history of or are at high risk for a heart attack.

• Dress in layers and be sure to wear a hat, gloves, and sturdy, non-skid footwear.

• Do some basic warm-up exercises before shoveling, such as walking for a few minutes or marching in place. Stretch the muscles in your arms and legs. Warm muscles will work more efficiently and are less likely to become injured.

• Try to shovel fresh snow rather than partially melted and packed snow and lift small amounts at a time using your legs, not your back. Scoop snow in a forward motion and step in the direction as you throw the snow and avoid twisting and tossing the snow over your shoulder or to the side. If possible, try pushing the snow forward rather than lifting.

• Make sure you have a good snow shovel. Many newer models offer ergonomic features to facilitate lifting and throwing.

• Pace yourself. Take frequent rest breaks and avoid over-exertion.

• Most importantly, if you experience any pain in the chest or arm, shortness of breath or profuse sweating, stop shoveling immediately and seek appropriate medical attention.

There you go folks, the shoveling snow how to guide to help you navigate through this sometimes brutal winter and make it out healthy and strong once Spring comes around!

If you feel anyone else you know may benefit from my blog, please forward this article or previous to those friends or family members. I usually stick to articles that are more closely related to my business of Real Estate but will at times throw an article appropriate for the times or season. Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading my blog!

P.S. - Don't forget, if you or anyone you know is in the market to buy or sell a home contact me today, you'll receive the best in service, dedication and my expertise to make it a success! Ben

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